Worship Style
First Presbyterian Church’s worship style follows the traditional liturgical year and uses the most modern Presbyterian hymnal, “Glory to God,” blended with occasional modern worship songs. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month by passing the elements. We offer a balanced flow of hymn singing, preaching, and congregational participation. While we encourage visitors to utilize our welcome center in the narthex which houses informative packets about us, our church’s main communication for welcoming others comes from within--our friendly congregation. Having the reputation as one of the most loving and accepting congregations, our church welcomes all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds, and wishes to show God’s love to all. Making newcomers feel comfortable and at ease when experiencing our worship services as we encourage them to return to church to further develop their faith & trust in God is very important to our church. We cordially invite you to join us for worship as we glorify the Lord!
**A nursery is provided to all children ages 0-2 for all church services.
The FPC sanctuary has a hearing loop installed. Click HERE for more information.
If you would like to place flowers or a plant in the sanctuary for worship service, there is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. You can also call or email Cathy Chapman and she can sign you up for a date.